Notice of Delinquency
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Notice of Delinquency - The Notice of Delinquency, in accordance with California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 2621, reminds taxpayers that their property taxes are delinquent and will default on July 1. If payment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by June 30, on July 1, a $15 redemption fee will be imposed and defaulted taxes will be subject to additional penalties of 1.5 percent per month.
Assessor's Identification Number - This area identifies the Assessor’s Identification Number (1234-567-890). The Assessor’s Identification Number (AIN) is a ten-digit number assigned by the Office of the Assessor to each piece of real property in Los Angeles County. This ten-digit AIN is made up of a four-digit Map Book Number (1234), a three-digit Page Number (567), and a three-digit Parcel Number (890).
Assessee - The owner of record and the mailing address on file with the Office of the Assessor.
Treasurer and Tax Collector - Name, address, telephone number, and website of the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Property Location and/or Property Description - The property address and/or legal description on record with the Office of the Assessor.
Special Information - This section provides important information about the bill and states whether there are any delinquent taxes owed.
Assessor’s Identification Number - This area identifies the Assessor’s Identification Number – (1234-567-890). The Assessor’s Identification Number (AIN) is a ten-digit number assigned by the Office of the Assessor to each piece of real property in Los Angeles County. This ten-digit AIN is made up of a four-digit Map Book Number (1234), a three-digit Page Number (567), and a three-digit Parcel Number (890).
Personal Identification Number (PIN) – This number is required to make an online eCheck payment for current year and defaulted property taxes. Effective with tax bills issued after August 2013, the PIN may contain all alpha, all numeric, or alpha/numeric characters. The alpha letter 'O' is not used in the PIN. The '0' is always a number zero.
1st Installment Due - Amount of taxes due for the first installment. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor’s Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
2nd Installment Due - Amount of taxes due for the second installment. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor’s Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
Total Tax Due - This is the total amount due for the bill. The Annual Secured Property Tax Bill has two payment stubs. The first installment is due November 1 and is delinquent December 10. If the first installment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by December 10, a 10 percent penalty will be imposed. The second installment is due February 1 and is delinquent April 10. If the second installment is not received or USPS postmarked on or before April 10, a 10 percent penalty and a $10.00 cost will be imposed. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor's Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
1st Installment Amount Delinquency Date - If paying the bill in full, payment must be received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by this date. If paying in installments, the first installment must be received or USPS postmarked by this date, or a 10 percent penalty will be imposed.
2nd Installment Amount Delinquency Date - If paying the bill in installments, the second installment must be received or United States Postal Service postmarked by this date, or a 10 percent penalty and a $10.00 cost will be imposed.
Total Taxes Due - This is the total amount due for the bill. The Annual Secured Property Tax Bill has two payment stubs. The first installment is due November 1 and is delinquent December 10. If the first installment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by December 10, a 10 percent penalty will be imposed. The second installment is due February 1 and is delinquent April 10. If the second installment is not received or USPS.
Remit Amount - If payment is not made by the delinquency date, remit the amount stated here. Include the payment stub(s) with the payment and write the Assessor’s Identification Number and the Year/Sequence Number on the check.
Make Check(s) Payable - Make checks payable to the Los Angeles County Tax Collector and mail to this address. Include the payment stub(s) with the payment and write the Assessor’s Identification Number and the Year/Sequence Number on the check.
Notice of Delinquency - The Notice of Delinquency, in accordance with California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 2621, reminds taxpayers that their property taxes are delinquent and will default on July 1. If payment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by June 30, on July 1, a $15 redemption fee will be imposed and defaulted taxes will be subject to additional penalties of 1.5 percent per month.
Assessor's Identification Number - This area identifies the Assessor’s Identification Number (1234-567-890). The Assessor’s Identification Number (AIN) is a ten-digit number assigned by the Office of the Assessor to each piece of real property in Los Angeles County. This ten-digit AIN is made up of a four-digit Map Book Number (1234), a three-digit Page Number (567), and a three-digit Parcel Number (890).
Assessee - The owner of record and the mailing address on file with the Office of the Assessor.
Treasurer and Tax Collector - Name, address, telephone number, and website of the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Property Location and/or Property Description - The property address and/or legal description on record with the Office of the Assessor.
Special Information - This section provides important information about the bill and states whether there are any delinquent taxes owed.
Assessor’s Identification Number - This area identifies the Assessor’s Identification Number – (1234-567-890). The Assessor’s Identification Number (AIN) is a ten-digit number assigned by the Office of the Assessor to each piece of real property in Los Angeles County. This ten-digit AIN is made up of a four-digit Map Book Number (1234), a three-digit Page Number (567), and a three-digit Parcel Number (890).
Personal Identification Number (PIN) – This number is required to make an online eCheck payment for current year and defaulted property taxes. Effective with tax bills issued after August 2013, the PIN may contain all alpha, all numeric, or alpha/numeric characters. The alpha letter 'O' is not used in the PIN. The '0' is always a number zero.
1st Installment Due - Amount of taxes due for the first installment. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor’s Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
2nd Installment Due - Amount of taxes due for the second installment. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor’s Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
Total Tax Due - This is the total amount due for the bill. The Annual Secured Property Tax Bill has two payment stubs. The first installment is due November 1 and is delinquent December 10. If the first installment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by December 10, a 10 percent penalty will be imposed. The second installment is due February 1 and is delinquent April 10. If the second installment is not received or USPS postmarked on or before April 10, a 10 percent penalty and a $10.00 cost will be imposed. Taxpayers must be sure to include the payment stub with any type of payment and write their Assessor's Identification Number with the Year/Sequence Number on their check.
1st Installment Amount Delinquency Date - If paying the bill in full, payment must be received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by this date. If paying in installments, the first installment must be received or USPS postmarked by this date, or a 10 percent penalty will be imposed.
2nd Installment Amount Delinquency Date - If paying the bill in installments, the second installment must be received or United States Postal Service postmarked by this date, or a 10 percent penalty and a $10.00 cost will be imposed.
Total Taxes Due - This is the total amount due for the bill. The Annual Secured Property Tax Bill has two payment stubs. The first installment is due November 1 and is delinquent December 10. If the first installment is not received or United States Postal Service (USPS) postmarked by December 10, a 10 percent penalty will be imposed. The second installment is due February 1 and is delinquent April 10. If the second installment is not received or USPS.
Remit Amount - If payment is not made by the delinquency date, remit the amount stated here. Include the payment stub(s) with the payment and write the Assessor’s Identification Number and the Year/Sequence Number on the check.
Make Check(s) Payable - Make checks payable to the Los Angeles County Tax Collector and mail to this address. Include the payment stub(s) with the payment and write the Assessor’s Identification Number and the Year/Sequence Number on the check.